Sunday, 4 December 2011

Day Four, and Sabrina's Guide to Life

Hey there :D

Tomorrow's a MoNdAy, and I don't have to get up early! Woooooo! You see, I attend seminary, which is basically an early-morning religion study for Mormons (that starts at 6:30 AM, waaaahhh!). That's a huuuuge understatement, but I don't really wanna explain it to you guys right now. Anywhoo.
Tomorrow it's cancelled because my teacher can't make it! :D No, I'm not happy that she can't make it, but I am happy that I won't have to get up early. My teacher is going to be performing in a choir at around 7, (middle of seminary) so she won't be able to make it. I hope she has an awesome time.

For the Thirty Day Challenge, I won't be doing Day Three because a) I don't want to give away the information that it asks for, and b) I don't have any pictures of what it asks for either. So it will actually be a twenty-nine day challenge, lawls! Here goes...

~Thirty Day Challenge~

Day Four

"A Habit That You Wish You Didn't Have"

I actually have two habits that I wish I didn't have: biting my nails (ew) and altering my clothes. The first habit is pretty straightforward, I bite my nails when I'm nervous. Which is actually pretty often! Iiiiiiit's weird. But true.

Last year, I watched some stupid Oprah episode about how biting your nails can give you worms, and I was soooooo grossed out that I stopped for a year. Unfortch, when I started preparing my portfolio for my audition for my school, I started staying up late, getting up early, overworking, becoming antisocial, not eating, and a whole bunch of other stuff that really was unpleasant. Because of all the stress, my old instincts of nail-biting kicked in once again and ever since I haven't been able to stop. Yech.

The second habit is yeah, altering my clothes. When I've had clothes for a while, I often get bored of them and start to ruin them. Well, maybe not completely ruin them, but I will def alter them beyond recognition. I will rip them, put paint splatters on them, cut part of the sleeve off, bleach or distress them, etc. They look awesome when I'm done, but my mom hates it.

When she finds out.

I just can't stop, though! I can't sew my own clothes (yet) so instead I make my old clothes look better. In fact, just minutes before I wrote this post, I was ripping up my old jeans with an

X-acto knife. I mean, they look great, but sometimes I wish that I would be able to just buy clothes and be happy with them.



Onto the second part of my blog!

I would like to start "Sabrina's Guide to Life." It'll be a section at the end of the blog with some advice from me. It can be about absolutely anything, and it might not be on all of my blogs, but it's on my bucket list, so.... Yeah...

*Sabrina's Guide to Life* ;3


Since I was just talking about how I love to alter my clothing, here are some tips for distressing jeans!

To rip your jeans (the easy and cheap way):

-take an old pair of jeans or jeans with a stain on it and mark where you want the rips to be

-taking an X-Acto knife or any other sharp object, make horizontal cuts across the area

-try to keep a cm between rips to make the next step a little easier

-using a scratchy brush, brush the rips slowly and firmly going in vertical strokes, this will help to loosen up the threads.

-Enjoy your new smexehhh jeans!

To bleach your jeans the easy way:

-Take an empty perfume spray bottle and fill it up about a quarter full of water (ONLY USE WATER FOR THIS!)

-Fill up the rest with bleach, but don't add too much, kay?

-Spray down the centre of your pant legs.

-Let the bleach sink into the fabric for about five minutes.

-Rinse your jeans in a sink of somethink until the water running off of it is clear.

-Let it dry....

-Then dazzle all your friends with your ah-mazing pants!

Another cool idea is to write a message on a shirt using bleach. Take some kind of letter (fridge letter magnets work well) and spell out something onto your shirt, and then follow the above steps. Awesome, right? Just make sure not to smudge the bleach when you take off the letters.


Have an awesome monday!


Monday, 28 November 2011

Day Two, and other stuff

Hey there :D

Soooooooooo. Today Imma try something new and exciting! I'm going to try to fit both my thirty day challenge and some kinda neat stuff into my blog today. I've always wanted to make one of these... Thingies... So my dreams are finally coming true :'D Onwards!

~Thirty Day Challenge~

Day Two: The meaning behind your Facebook status.

"it's official. I have ten friends on Facebook. *dies*"

Uhm.... My status is pretty straightforward. My parents will only let me add one friend (that isn't a relative or High School Club-thing) on Facebook... So this was my sarcastic reply. Or is it sarcastic..? I dunno. I'm bad with this stuff.... D: Meh.


Now onto the other neat stuff! This is going to be my dump for all the things that Sabrina Harvey (that's me :P) finds somewhat interesting that she hopes you will find interesting as well. Ta-daaaa!

-Ever wonder why doctors call their profession "practice?"

-November 29 is "Sinkie Day." That's tomorrow~! X)

-A "sinkie" is "anyone who grabs a food item and then eats it over the sink." Isn't that cool? We have a name for people like this!

-Apparently Facebook plays a key part in 1 out of every 4 divorces. Huh.

-AMERICANS DON'T HAVE ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE! HOW DO THEY LIVE?! (haha, I don't like apple juice, though. It has a nasty after-taste.)

-A single lemon contains more sugar than a handful of strawberries.

-My friends used to think I had a piece of metal stuck in my brain so that I could pick up radio signals and spout out random facts.

-4 cups of Bak Choy or whatever has the same amount of Calcium as a cup of Milk.

-Antibiotics in milk is prohibited in Canada.

-Campbell's Alphabet soup only comes in the Roman alphabet.

-"...After doing a wide survey, we have concluded that these are the worst girl's names: Bimberly, Brunhilda, Chinchilla, Crayola... Hortense, Latrina, Michelina... Pepsi, Prunella, Rotunda, Salmonalla, Tamale, Velveeta, Yeti, Zona." Yeah, no kidding.

-"Hi! I'm guessing you're from Tennessee, because you're the only 'ten' I see! I know you're good at science. Are you going to be a female astronaut? Because you are really out of this world! If I could rewrite the alphabet, I would put U and I together! What do you say?"
How about no?

-Score bars are delicious.

-I seriously think I might have ADHD. :/

Aaaaand that's all for now, folks! Have an awesome Sinkie day! :)


Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Thirty Day Challenge

Hey there :D

So. I've officially decided to take a thirty-day challenge thingy. Was I tagged? Nope. Do I even care? Nope. Oh, the things that happen when you're bored... XD Well, it sounds fun, too, I guess. But I'm not gonna do it for thirty days straight, Imma do it on thirty random days that are (hopefully) close together. If this was supposed to have any tags attached, I tag everybody who is reading this that has a blog (and if you don`t have a blog, go get one. please.). Anywhoo,, here goes day one!

A recent picture of you and fifteen interesting facts about yourself

Kay, there's the recent picture of me <--

I'm Sabrina, and I was born on April 15. My favourite number is seven, my fave colour is pink, my fave candy is Bridge Mixture (which is just an assortment of chocolate-covered nuts, caramels and creams) and my favourite food (that ISN`T a dessert-type food) is scalloped potatoes :P

Art is my passion and my favourite medium is digital art (cuz it doesn`t make a mess, lawls :P).

I have really dark brown eyes, brown hair with deep bronze highlights, and I`m only about 5`4. I`m half filipino, but I was born in, and still live in, Canada. I play the recorder, the piano, the kazoo (lawls) and I love to sing, though I`m not very good at it X).

My all-time favourite flower is the Forget-Me-Not, and my favourite book is The City of Dreaming Books by Walter Moers. Awesome book, you might wanna check it out some day! Also, I spend wayyy too much time on dA ( and my username on there is MarshmallowFluffies. (all one word)

Oops, that`s prolly way more than fifteen XD Oh well. It`s not like anyone`s counting... Right? *Stares at Chiaki and Flavia*

Hahaa, just kidding, just kidding :)

Monday, 14 November 2011

Pie, Commisions and Mormonism

Hey there :D

Today the entire world experienced a bizarre phenomenon called a "good Monday." Well, my world, anyways. :) How was your monday? I hope it was awesome, too.
I think the reason why my Monday was actually good is because of these reasons:
-I finally discovered the name of this one song that I really like but I didn't know the name of XD It's 'Blackout' by Breathe Carolina... You can barely understand what they're saying because it's so autotuned and stuff, but I swear the chorus was "I'm only getting sorted" instead of "I'm only getting started." Listen to the song! You can't hear him say the t at the beginning of the word! X(
-I was listening to 'When Did Your Heart Go Missing' by Rooney while I was waiting for the bus
-Kai (lawls, cant think of any other name for him), Israel* and Jane* were actually on the bus today! Totally made my day!
-I was not harassed for forgetting my overdue art homework. Uhm. That shouldn't be a high point.
-I saw Richie* like five times today! :D :D :D Sorry, Chi... But he's just. SO. Cute.
-Finally found out who my model for the fashion show was...
And other stuff. Anywhoo~

At DeviantArt ( I'm getting quite a few commisons, and I'm really happy! The only problem is that I'm getting kind of behind with it. For those who don't know, a commision is basically a "paid mission." So an art commision would be someone paying somebody else to draw them something. Apparently you can do this on Kijiji... Idk. It'd be pretty cool if you could. If you know, please comment below!

I know this is wayyyy off topic, but I don't get it. I told my friends that I was a Mormon (a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, commonly called Mormons for short) and they took a flip. They were all like "omigosh, you're a mormon?! They're evil and they brainwash you and and and..." You know what? I honestly don't care. What I think is funny is how Muslims (I think..? Can't remember the name) are able to not eat the meat of any hooved animal and nobody complains. Muslims are Muslims, that's what they beleive in and there is no question about it. But Mormons can't have caffeine or any other addictive substances and some (but not everybody) people freak out. Here's an amazing quote from a Mormon (Foxycheese202) on DeviantArt:

"What does a Christian belief in general do for a person? Hmm. No sex before mairrage. (No chance of AIDS.) No drinking (You don't do stupid crap.) No smoking (stay healthy.)... Don't show too much skin (people look down on you... People shouldn't, but they do.)"

Yeah, so these are some of the foundations on which an "evil cult" is built. I hate it when people call my religion evil! You can have your religion, I can have mine, but don't call my beleifs and lifestyle evil. You know? In fact, to support my point, the Church has created 13 Articles of Faith, which is basically just an outline of what we beleive in. The one that supports my argument is the eleventh one:

"We claim the privelege of worshipping the Almighty God according to the own dictates of our consience, and allow all men the same privelege, let them worhip how, where or what they
may." (,4945,106-1-2-1,FF.html)

That basically means that we claim the right to worhip our God if we see fit, and let everybody else beleive whatever they want where ever they want as well. Caspice?

And, I know that this is turning into an endless rant on a touchy subject, but I really have to get this out of my system.

I'm also really put off by how people think that Joseph Smith lied. If Joseph lied, he would not have willing put up with all of that pressure just for a lie. He was tortured, tarred, feathered, shot and imprisoned for his beleifs, so I'm pretty sure that it wasn't a lie. If you were a liar who just wanted attention, you sure as heck wouldn't put up with all of that! And it's not just Joseph who went through extreme persecutement for his beleifs: it was many other pioneers who had their families killed, tortured and shunned. While Mormons today don't go through the same kind of persecutement, we are still... Uhm... Bullied. (Sorry, can't find the right word X)

All righty, then! I think I'm done ranting. Hope I didn't bore you too much with my religion talk! I also apologize that it's not overly reverent, I'm definitely not the best example of a 'good Mormon,' but I do try very hard to keep my standards high.
-Breenie :)

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Sleep, Anger Management and Quotes

Hey there :D

It's Daylight savings tiiiiimeee! Ah! I'm so excited :3 An extra hour of sleep? Really? My whole view of winter has just improved. But I guess after a while you get used to it, and you can't tell the difference, but WHATEVER! I can still enjoy it.
Have you finished your Hallowe'en candy yet? Some of my friends finished all their candy on Hallowe'en (yeah man, they rock dat metabolism), but I'm pretty sure the average person can't eat THAT much candy. I forced myself to finish it all today so I won't be tempted for the rest of the week, but I don't think that that was the best idea. Why? Because I am currently experiencing WITHDRAWL symptoms. JGSDIULYERLIU DNJUHYERK,ISEPDEKJOFHUJGTFVJ. <--- me randomly slapping the keyboard with an angry face.
That probably wasn't very good for my laptop. It was kind of expensive and I'm pretty sure my parents would'nt buy me a new one just because I was angry at this one.
Yesterday, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Season 2 Episode 5: Sisterhooves Social came out! BWAHHHHHH! I was sooooooo happy. ^-^ And it was all about my favourite pony, Rarity! But it also had one of my least favourite fillies, Sweetie Belle. The Cutie Mark Crusaders tick me off D:< I don't know why. I also don't know why Rarity is my favourite. My friends say that I'm just like her (or she's just like me, whatever) but I don't really see it. They say it's just because we're both so prissy and concerned with looking good D:< But we're also both artistic, so I guess it all works out. I think I've changed, though! I don't make a big deal about my mascara or whatever anymore.
I'm also super obsessed with the Phantom of the Opera right now! I'm actually listening to it as I write this X) My fave song from the musical is prolly either All I Ask of You or The Phantom of the Opera. I sing them as I paint in class XD Anjie would know, she sits right beside me. And I also sing it when I'm by myself. I'll be doing homework when no-one's home, and then I'll just burst out "SAY YOU'LL LOVE ME EVERY WAKING MOMENT, TURN MY HEAD WITH TALK OF SUMMERTIME!!!!!!!!" or something. I think if I wasn't me, it would be pretty funny to watch.
I used to like Annie, and sing Ms. Hannigan's songs (especially Little Girls) because I could sing it really loudly. And because Ms. Hannigan is the freaking BEST CHARACTER in the entire musical.
Here's the song of hers that I adore:
She's just so funneh! One of her best lines is this:
Ms. H-- "oh, and good news. Today we're not having hot mush."
Ms. H--*blows whistle* "Today... We're having COLD mush."
Tee hee! She's great.
Oh! Oh! Hey! I just realized! There's only like seven weeks until Christmas! XD Sooooo pumped. Not sure what I want, though. Meh.
I'm finished with exciting things, so here's some of my favourite quotes! *Randommm*

"Don't trust him. He would sell his own mother for a grape!"
"You making an offer? I mean, no I would not!"

"Fat? He's got more pounds than the London mint!"

"You laugh, I laugh. You cry, I cry. You jump off a bridge, I'm gonna miss your e-mails.

"Attention everybody! We have an announcement! Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are merging to become one giant site called... YouTwitFace!"

"I am free of all prejudices. I hate everybody equally."

"I made you a pie!"
"Oh! What flavour?"
*epic guitar solo*

"Fat? When she gets upset, they call it "mass hysteria."


"You know you're too fat when the floors buckle but your belts won't."

Ohh noooo! We have to stick a blonde joke somewhere on this blog! Sorry to all you blondes out there!

A blonde was withdrawing money from an ATM machine.
The blonde behind her: "Ha! I saw your pin number, it's four stars!"
First Blonde: "Haha, you're wrong! It's 1566!"

Aaand I'm done. Hope you thought at least one of those were as funny as I think they are!
Until next time!

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Random stuffs

Hey there :D

SO.... Today I'm not going to school! I'm so excited! It's bring-your-kid-to-work Day, and my parents can't take me, so I'm just chilling at home. Well, not exactly chilling. I'm actually finishing up every single piece of homework I have... Fun stuff! I'm actually really behind on homework, even though I do a ton every day.

If I went to school, there would really be no point, because there won't be enough students there for the teachers to give a proper lesson to. For example, in my gym class of like, 27 students, only about five kids MIGHT be able to go to school today. That wasn't even an exaggeration.

Do you know what I just noticed about myself? I write really short sentences, and I don't think they're very fun to read AT ALL. This blog is an improvement from some of my other blogs, but only because I'm conscious of it while I write it. *RANDOMMM!!!*

Changing topics again~ In art class, we're starting our summative project already, which is crazy! And we only have TWO/THREE WEEKS. You're probably like, "Oh, that's plenty of time!" But if you're in any of the arts programs, you'll know that no, it's not lots of time. AT ALL. More so for those in Lit and Dance.
For the project, we have to pick an impressionist piece (ex. Monet, Van Gogh, etc) and grid it using tracing paper. Then, on a large board or paper, we make the grid 2-3 times as big as the picture we chose. For example, for my project, I chose a Monet painting, which I gridded using 2cm squares. On my board, each square would be 4cm^2.
Then, once we've made the large grid, we use the traced painting as a guideline to landmark where the objects in the painting are. It's not meant to be exact, it's just meant to give us a rough idea of where things are in the painting. Then, we have to make a couple colour swatches (mixing our own colours -.-) that match the colours in the painting.
It really wouldn't be that hard if we didn't have to mix our own colours. It's difficult enough to mix colours, but then it's even harder when you have to keep on making different colours, and then it's even HARDER when you have to make large amounts.
I'm not complaining, I swear; it's just that I'm getting really stressed about it and I need to get it out of my system.

Anywhooo~ I'm really excited for the fashion show! I just handed in my design yesterday :3 It's going to be sooooooooo fun! <3 The thing I designed is a dress that is black and white with splashes of bright red cherry fabric. The theme of the show is Static//Prismatic, so I had to make it either Static or Prismatic, which is why there's minimal colour (red) in my design. Once I get my design back, I promise that I'll scan it and post it here~

Until Next Time!
-Sabrina/Brina/Breenie/Beenie/Beenz/whatever you wanna call me.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Gross Days

Hey there.
Today wasn't the best of days so I'm here to VENT. I mean, what else are blogs for? Stalking Tom Felton or something?? Hahaha, what a prepostero--- Wait. Never mind. *troll face*

MMMmkayyy. So. Since not alot of people know about my blog, and the ones that do know about it I trust, I will go through my. Entire. Day. (Almost.) It started at five o'clock in the morning with my alarm clocks. You see, I have one digital alarm clock set for five, and my ipod is set for five minutes later with snoozes of five minutes. Well. My first alarm clock went off and I slapped the snooze button because my bed was nice and warm~ and the rest of the room wasn't exactly cozy. Anyways, my stupid iPod was almost out of batteries, so it would go off, I would hit snooze, the iPod would die thirty seconds later, realise it still had batteries and the process would repeat itself. I WAS ABOUT TO CHUCK MY FREAKING IPOD ACROSS THE ROOM I was so angry. You're probably like, "couldn't you just turn off the iPod? Or maybe even just wake up?"
Actually, I couldn't turn off my iPod because the alarm "wakes" it up, and I can't turn the alarm off because even if I did the iPod doesn't think it already went off (if that makes sense.) And waking up? No thank you, my bed was comfy.
Then on to the next part of my day. After I had gotten ready and had eaten breakfast, my ride for Seminary came kind of early, so I didn't look overly groomed. *Nick* (thats obvs not his real name) wasn't there because he slept in, and when we went to go pick up *Betty* she was sleeping as well. So we waited for them for so long that we were 15 minutes late for seminary.
Seminary was about awkward stuff like dating, so that wasn't overly fun. It was fun, but not OVERLY fun, you know?
Then when I got back home I was kind of tired so I moved verrrryyyy slowly and I almost missed my bus, which would've really sucked. *Marja*and *Nick* weren't on the bus, which made me really sad... At least *Juniper* and *Isaac* were there, I guess.
Then it was a day two, meaning that I had math first... Oh JOY. Turned out I forgot about my Math Homework as well.

~Fast-forward through the day~

My very last period that day was French, which I absolutely DESPISE having at the end of the day. Not that I find it boring, it's just that the location of the room really sucks, because I have to go across the school twice to get from my room to my locker to the bus. They just changed where the busses wait, by the way, which really sucks because where it was before was quite convenient.
AND THEN THE BUS. My bus ride home isn't usually the most fun due to crazy people, but today it was even worse. They rang the bell to stop the bus at EVERY. SINGLE. STOP. What did the bus driver do? He would wait for them to get off the bus. We spent almost fifteen minutes waiting for those jerks who wouldn't even get off the bus. It was terrible! My friends weren't there, either, which sucked even more. I was hungry, tired, irritated and lonely for the entire ride home. Well, at least I made a new (kinda) friend, *Newman*. He's nice.... Ish....

Now for the positive stuff! ~ :D
I... Um.... Bought a chocolate bar for *Alexandra*..? With her money, of course. I happen to be broke at the moment, wahhh! D': Oh yeah, and *Fran* wanted me to update my blog! Happy face! :) So here it is. I hope she's happy, this took me over an hour to make.
On a COMPLETELY different note, all the names with *stars* around them are not their actual names, but they do start with the same letter as their real names. This is so that I can protect their identity, but my friends will know who I'm talking about.

Now for links!~
An amazing cover of an amazing song:
Even herr shneezes arr grascheful:
Rarity "whining":

Gah. Rarity is way too awesome! She's my fave character (besides Luna) in the entire show. And if you don't know who Rarity is, I COMMAND YOU TO GO GOOGLE "my little pony: friendship is magic season 1 episode 1" and begin your ascent to heaven.

Thankies to whoever read this!

Monday, 17 October 2011

lawling at kayla lawling at tom felton.

Hey there! :D

Sabrina here. This is my amazing(ish) life ON A BLOG.
Blogs are overly confusing. I have no idea how to navigate around the thingy! You know what I mean? Prolly not. I apologize. But you get the idea...

And so~ I read Chiaki's blog! Bwahhh, it was so awesome! Especially because I was mentioned (heh. hehheh. heheheheh. :P). You can check it out at . If you read it, you will know all about Tom Felton and how Kayla is stalking him. Well, kind of stalking him... It's more like a "mild" stalk. Oh gosh, I sound like some doctor from Grey's Anatomy. That's kind of really possibly quite bad.

I finished one of my possible designs for the Fashion Show! Yayyyyy~! I think I might collaborate with a couple of friends just to make it more fun. And I'm also using one of my friends as the model. Whenever I find the cord for my camera, I will post pictures of my designs.

I really like to design clothes, but I've never actually made them before... And I really wanna try. So that I can wear them... BECAUSE I SO WOULD~! They would be cute and frilly and pink and GAHHHHH I WANNA WEAR IT SO BADLY...... bleh. Whatever. I'll just have to wait.

Tomorrow I'm going to play Go with Chiaki/K-Girl! I'm actually pretty pumped. Maybe Go won't be that bad if I'm not being beaten by a bully *coughcoughchriscoughcough*.

Kay, this is random, but here are some things that *YOU! YES YOU!* need to check out. Like....
Angelina Wrona --------------->
Bomaby Bicycle Club ---------->
or watch their amazing video--->
My deviantArt account--------->
Baby the Stars Shine Bright---->
Rainbow Dash epicness--------->
The funnehist MLP crud ever-->

Aaaaaaaand yeah. I'm thinking I'm about done.
Have a good one!

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Hey Guys.

Hey guys.

This is my first blog. Are you excited? Cuz I am! I'm not really sure what to write about, so I'll just write about whatever crosses my mind first.

TOMORROW IS TIGHT N' BRIGHT DAY! Ehmigawsh, I am soooo pumped. Totally rocking those neon pink pants tomorrow ;D But tomorrow is also the day that my parents and grandparents are picking me up from school, so they're gonna be... BLINDED. By too much neon. I bet even Ice Cream Shops have less neon colours in their front windows. (If that makes sense..?)

And and and I did the announcements today! Haha, I can't beleive the deal I'm making over such a small, trivial little thing. But it really meant alot to me! I'm actually (gasp!) getting involved in school activities! I know, sounds impossible for a nerd like me, right? Lol.

Maybe I should join the Glee Club as well. Okay, maybe not join, that's not for me to decide, but at least audition or something. I don't watch Glee, and I probably never will, but the singing/dancing/acting part sounds fun.

Today I went to the Go Club at lunch. Go is... Difficult...? I dunno. Maybe it's because it was my first try, and everybody was pretty dang good at it. I just felt like Go is kind of pointless. Sorry, Kay-girl! I just... I dunno. Maybe I'll like it more when I actually get how to play.

Well. I am tired, so this is where my blog is gonna have to end. Thanks to anyone who read..!