Monday 17 October 2011

lawling at kayla lawling at tom felton.

Hey there! :D

Sabrina here. This is my amazing(ish) life ON A BLOG.
Blogs are overly confusing. I have no idea how to navigate around the thingy! You know what I mean? Prolly not. I apologize. But you get the idea...

And so~ I read Chiaki's blog! Bwahhh, it was so awesome! Especially because I was mentioned (heh. hehheh. heheheheh. :P). You can check it out at . If you read it, you will know all about Tom Felton and how Kayla is stalking him. Well, kind of stalking him... It's more like a "mild" stalk. Oh gosh, I sound like some doctor from Grey's Anatomy. That's kind of really possibly quite bad.

I finished one of my possible designs for the Fashion Show! Yayyyyy~! I think I might collaborate with a couple of friends just to make it more fun. And I'm also using one of my friends as the model. Whenever I find the cord for my camera, I will post pictures of my designs.

I really like to design clothes, but I've never actually made them before... And I really wanna try. So that I can wear them... BECAUSE I SO WOULD~! They would be cute and frilly and pink and GAHHHHH I WANNA WEAR IT SO BADLY...... bleh. Whatever. I'll just have to wait.

Tomorrow I'm going to play Go with Chiaki/K-Girl! I'm actually pretty pumped. Maybe Go won't be that bad if I'm not being beaten by a bully *coughcoughchriscoughcough*.

Kay, this is random, but here are some things that *YOU! YES YOU!* need to check out. Like....
Angelina Wrona --------------->
Bomaby Bicycle Club ---------->
or watch their amazing video--->
My deviantArt account--------->
Baby the Stars Shine Bright---->
Rainbow Dash epicness--------->
The funnehist MLP crud ever-->

Aaaaaaaand yeah. I'm thinking I'm about done.
Have a good one!

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