Monday 24 October 2011

Gross Days

Hey there.
Today wasn't the best of days so I'm here to VENT. I mean, what else are blogs for? Stalking Tom Felton or something?? Hahaha, what a prepostero--- Wait. Never mind. *troll face*

MMMmkayyy. So. Since not alot of people know about my blog, and the ones that do know about it I trust, I will go through my. Entire. Day. (Almost.) It started at five o'clock in the morning with my alarm clocks. You see, I have one digital alarm clock set for five, and my ipod is set for five minutes later with snoozes of five minutes. Well. My first alarm clock went off and I slapped the snooze button because my bed was nice and warm~ and the rest of the room wasn't exactly cozy. Anyways, my stupid iPod was almost out of batteries, so it would go off, I would hit snooze, the iPod would die thirty seconds later, realise it still had batteries and the process would repeat itself. I WAS ABOUT TO CHUCK MY FREAKING IPOD ACROSS THE ROOM I was so angry. You're probably like, "couldn't you just turn off the iPod? Or maybe even just wake up?"
Actually, I couldn't turn off my iPod because the alarm "wakes" it up, and I can't turn the alarm off because even if I did the iPod doesn't think it already went off (if that makes sense.) And waking up? No thank you, my bed was comfy.
Then on to the next part of my day. After I had gotten ready and had eaten breakfast, my ride for Seminary came kind of early, so I didn't look overly groomed. *Nick* (thats obvs not his real name) wasn't there because he slept in, and when we went to go pick up *Betty* she was sleeping as well. So we waited for them for so long that we were 15 minutes late for seminary.
Seminary was about awkward stuff like dating, so that wasn't overly fun. It was fun, but not OVERLY fun, you know?
Then when I got back home I was kind of tired so I moved verrrryyyy slowly and I almost missed my bus, which would've really sucked. *Marja*and *Nick* weren't on the bus, which made me really sad... At least *Juniper* and *Isaac* were there, I guess.
Then it was a day two, meaning that I had math first... Oh JOY. Turned out I forgot about my Math Homework as well.

~Fast-forward through the day~

My very last period that day was French, which I absolutely DESPISE having at the end of the day. Not that I find it boring, it's just that the location of the room really sucks, because I have to go across the school twice to get from my room to my locker to the bus. They just changed where the busses wait, by the way, which really sucks because where it was before was quite convenient.
AND THEN THE BUS. My bus ride home isn't usually the most fun due to crazy people, but today it was even worse. They rang the bell to stop the bus at EVERY. SINGLE. STOP. What did the bus driver do? He would wait for them to get off the bus. We spent almost fifteen minutes waiting for those jerks who wouldn't even get off the bus. It was terrible! My friends weren't there, either, which sucked even more. I was hungry, tired, irritated and lonely for the entire ride home. Well, at least I made a new (kinda) friend, *Newman*. He's nice.... Ish....

Now for the positive stuff! ~ :D
I... Um.... Bought a chocolate bar for *Alexandra*..? With her money, of course. I happen to be broke at the moment, wahhh! D': Oh yeah, and *Fran* wanted me to update my blog! Happy face! :) So here it is. I hope she's happy, this took me over an hour to make.
On a COMPLETELY different note, all the names with *stars* around them are not their actual names, but they do start with the same letter as their real names. This is so that I can protect their identity, but my friends will know who I'm talking about.

Now for links!~
An amazing cover of an amazing song:
Even herr shneezes arr grascheful:
Rarity "whining":

Gah. Rarity is way too awesome! She's my fave character (besides Luna) in the entire show. And if you don't know who Rarity is, I COMMAND YOU TO GO GOOGLE "my little pony: friendship is magic season 1 episode 1" and begin your ascent to heaven.

Thankies to whoever read this!

1 comment:

  1. The whole purpose of a blog is to talk about one's stalking endevours with Tom Felton. Gosh, Sabrina. I thought you would know this by now :P

    Lol jk :)

    Awww! I'm sorry about your day :( Although, I must admit that it was quite amusing to read your blog ^.^ I should be more sympathetic...

    Lol secret identity? Who are you protecting, a bank robberer? :P In that case, I want a SECRET IDENTITY, TOO!!!! *stares up at picture of Spider Girl piined to wall* I should be...Super Ninja Chiaki :P Or Lord Chi! I think I should call you Lady Sabrina, or possibly Count Sabrina. Eh, you choose. I really want to get this whole "medieval ball" rolling.

    By the way, you're an awesome artist, and good with graphic design? Wouldeth thou be so kind as to design something for my blog for me? ^_^ A button! I'll tell you the details at school. Pllleeeeeeaaaaaaaase? Puuurrrrrddy pleeeeeaaaaaaase?


    By the way, the blog post to be posted on Friday won't be as funny as the one two weeks ago, because I don't think you'll find my topic as amusing :P

    *randomly rapes a penguin*
