Wednesday 2 November 2011

Random stuffs

Hey there :D

SO.... Today I'm not going to school! I'm so excited! It's bring-your-kid-to-work Day, and my parents can't take me, so I'm just chilling at home. Well, not exactly chilling. I'm actually finishing up every single piece of homework I have... Fun stuff! I'm actually really behind on homework, even though I do a ton every day.

If I went to school, there would really be no point, because there won't be enough students there for the teachers to give a proper lesson to. For example, in my gym class of like, 27 students, only about five kids MIGHT be able to go to school today. That wasn't even an exaggeration.

Do you know what I just noticed about myself? I write really short sentences, and I don't think they're very fun to read AT ALL. This blog is an improvement from some of my other blogs, but only because I'm conscious of it while I write it. *RANDOMMM!!!*

Changing topics again~ In art class, we're starting our summative project already, which is crazy! And we only have TWO/THREE WEEKS. You're probably like, "Oh, that's plenty of time!" But if you're in any of the arts programs, you'll know that no, it's not lots of time. AT ALL. More so for those in Lit and Dance.
For the project, we have to pick an impressionist piece (ex. Monet, Van Gogh, etc) and grid it using tracing paper. Then, on a large board or paper, we make the grid 2-3 times as big as the picture we chose. For example, for my project, I chose a Monet painting, which I gridded using 2cm squares. On my board, each square would be 4cm^2.
Then, once we've made the large grid, we use the traced painting as a guideline to landmark where the objects in the painting are. It's not meant to be exact, it's just meant to give us a rough idea of where things are in the painting. Then, we have to make a couple colour swatches (mixing our own colours -.-) that match the colours in the painting.
It really wouldn't be that hard if we didn't have to mix our own colours. It's difficult enough to mix colours, but then it's even harder when you have to keep on making different colours, and then it's even HARDER when you have to make large amounts.
I'm not complaining, I swear; it's just that I'm getting really stressed about it and I need to get it out of my system.

Anywhooo~ I'm really excited for the fashion show! I just handed in my design yesterday :3 It's going to be sooooooooo fun! <3 The thing I designed is a dress that is black and white with splashes of bright red cherry fabric. The theme of the show is Static//Prismatic, so I had to make it either Static or Prismatic, which is why there's minimal colour (red) in my design. Once I get my design back, I promise that I'll scan it and post it here~

Until Next Time!
-Sabrina/Brina/Breenie/Beenie/Beenz/whatever you wanna call me.

1 comment:

  1. ...But I like reading short sentences!!!! D: They actually create really good effects, but I guess an overdoes of them can is not that good... But when you write short sentences, it's like how you talk, so it's awesomness! :D

    AAAASAAAAAAH I wanna see the dress!!! XD Was it just a sketch, or the actual...thingy :P

    And by the way, no offense but your summative sounds kind of boring. Like, wouldn't you rather create an ORIGINAL work of art? I tried doing that grid thingy once... I think I failed X_X

    Well, good luck, Saber! (new nickname for you XD)
