Sunday, 6 November 2011

Sleep, Anger Management and Quotes

Hey there :D

It's Daylight savings tiiiiimeee! Ah! I'm so excited :3 An extra hour of sleep? Really? My whole view of winter has just improved. But I guess after a while you get used to it, and you can't tell the difference, but WHATEVER! I can still enjoy it.
Have you finished your Hallowe'en candy yet? Some of my friends finished all their candy on Hallowe'en (yeah man, they rock dat metabolism), but I'm pretty sure the average person can't eat THAT much candy. I forced myself to finish it all today so I won't be tempted for the rest of the week, but I don't think that that was the best idea. Why? Because I am currently experiencing WITHDRAWL symptoms. JGSDIULYERLIU DNJUHYERK,ISEPDEKJOFHUJGTFVJ. <--- me randomly slapping the keyboard with an angry face.
That probably wasn't very good for my laptop. It was kind of expensive and I'm pretty sure my parents would'nt buy me a new one just because I was angry at this one.
Yesterday, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Season 2 Episode 5: Sisterhooves Social came out! BWAHHHHHH! I was sooooooo happy. ^-^ And it was all about my favourite pony, Rarity! But it also had one of my least favourite fillies, Sweetie Belle. The Cutie Mark Crusaders tick me off D:< I don't know why. I also don't know why Rarity is my favourite. My friends say that I'm just like her (or she's just like me, whatever) but I don't really see it. They say it's just because we're both so prissy and concerned with looking good D:< But we're also both artistic, so I guess it all works out. I think I've changed, though! I don't make a big deal about my mascara or whatever anymore.
I'm also super obsessed with the Phantom of the Opera right now! I'm actually listening to it as I write this X) My fave song from the musical is prolly either All I Ask of You or The Phantom of the Opera. I sing them as I paint in class XD Anjie would know, she sits right beside me. And I also sing it when I'm by myself. I'll be doing homework when no-one's home, and then I'll just burst out "SAY YOU'LL LOVE ME EVERY WAKING MOMENT, TURN MY HEAD WITH TALK OF SUMMERTIME!!!!!!!!" or something. I think if I wasn't me, it would be pretty funny to watch.
I used to like Annie, and sing Ms. Hannigan's songs (especially Little Girls) because I could sing it really loudly. And because Ms. Hannigan is the freaking BEST CHARACTER in the entire musical.
Here's the song of hers that I adore:
She's just so funneh! One of her best lines is this:
Ms. H-- "oh, and good news. Today we're not having hot mush."
Ms. H--*blows whistle* "Today... We're having COLD mush."
Tee hee! She's great.
Oh! Oh! Hey! I just realized! There's only like seven weeks until Christmas! XD Sooooo pumped. Not sure what I want, though. Meh.
I'm finished with exciting things, so here's some of my favourite quotes! *Randommm*

"Don't trust him. He would sell his own mother for a grape!"
"You making an offer? I mean, no I would not!"

"Fat? He's got more pounds than the London mint!"

"You laugh, I laugh. You cry, I cry. You jump off a bridge, I'm gonna miss your e-mails.

"Attention everybody! We have an announcement! Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are merging to become one giant site called... YouTwitFace!"

"I am free of all prejudices. I hate everybody equally."

"I made you a pie!"
"Oh! What flavour?"
*epic guitar solo*

"Fat? When she gets upset, they call it "mass hysteria."


"You know you're too fat when the floors buckle but your belts won't."

Ohh noooo! We have to stick a blonde joke somewhere on this blog! Sorry to all you blondes out there!

A blonde was withdrawing money from an ATM machine.
The blonde behind her: "Ha! I saw your pin number, it's four stars!"
First Blonde: "Haha, you're wrong! It's 1566!"

Aaand I'm done. Hope you thought at least one of those were as funny as I think they are!
Until next time!


  1. LOLZ SABER!!! Me and Flavia are creeping you at school XDXDXD AND LOLED!!!! Haha epikness blog ^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^

  2. blonde joke I heard on the bus yesterday!

    what's the difference between a blonde and a mosquito?


    one stops sucking when you slap ity
