Thursday 6 October 2011

Hey Guys.

Hey guys.

This is my first blog. Are you excited? Cuz I am! I'm not really sure what to write about, so I'll just write about whatever crosses my mind first.

TOMORROW IS TIGHT N' BRIGHT DAY! Ehmigawsh, I am soooo pumped. Totally rocking those neon pink pants tomorrow ;D But tomorrow is also the day that my parents and grandparents are picking me up from school, so they're gonna be... BLINDED. By too much neon. I bet even Ice Cream Shops have less neon colours in their front windows. (If that makes sense..?)

And and and I did the announcements today! Haha, I can't beleive the deal I'm making over such a small, trivial little thing. But it really meant alot to me! I'm actually (gasp!) getting involved in school activities! I know, sounds impossible for a nerd like me, right? Lol.

Maybe I should join the Glee Club as well. Okay, maybe not join, that's not for me to decide, but at least audition or something. I don't watch Glee, and I probably never will, but the singing/dancing/acting part sounds fun.

Today I went to the Go Club at lunch. Go is... Difficult...? I dunno. Maybe it's because it was my first try, and everybody was pretty dang good at it. I just felt like Go is kind of pointless. Sorry, Kay-girl! I just... I dunno. Maybe I'll like it more when I actually get how to play.

Well. I am tired, so this is where my blog is gonna have to end. Thanks to anyone who read..!


  1. Noooo! I know you shouldn't have played against Chris :( That bully was totally being...unfair :P Well, I can play a teaching game with you, if you want. It's totally fine if you don't want to play, though. I mean, some people think it's boring (no clue how they'd come to such a popostorous conclusion...ignore my crappy spelling :( ) Aaah yes! Neon Day was AWESOME! did your grandparents die of too much pinkness? :D

    sorry, I would say more, but I've totally gotta get lost now. My sandwish is waiting... >:D

  2. Hey Sabrina! Awesome blog. Welcome to the blogging world! I hope that you enjoy posting blogs and checking other peoples' blogs out.

    Hi, I'm Tane. (sorry I didn't introduce myself in the beginning!) Here is a link to my blog if you want to check it out!


    Here's a link to my sister's blog.


    If the links don't work, look up Fifth out of Ten on Google to find my blog, and look up PerrinPhilippa to find my sister's blog.
    (Eek, I have a feeling that the links HAVEN'T worked!)

    Once again, awesome blog.
