Monday 14 November 2011

Pie, Commisions and Mormonism

Hey there :D

Today the entire world experienced a bizarre phenomenon called a "good Monday." Well, my world, anyways. :) How was your monday? I hope it was awesome, too.
I think the reason why my Monday was actually good is because of these reasons:
-I finally discovered the name of this one song that I really like but I didn't know the name of XD It's 'Blackout' by Breathe Carolina... You can barely understand what they're saying because it's so autotuned and stuff, but I swear the chorus was "I'm only getting sorted" instead of "I'm only getting started." Listen to the song! You can't hear him say the t at the beginning of the word! X(
-I was listening to 'When Did Your Heart Go Missing' by Rooney while I was waiting for the bus
-Kai (lawls, cant think of any other name for him), Israel* and Jane* were actually on the bus today! Totally made my day!
-I was not harassed for forgetting my overdue art homework. Uhm. That shouldn't be a high point.
-I saw Richie* like five times today! :D :D :D Sorry, Chi... But he's just. SO. Cute.
-Finally found out who my model for the fashion show was...
And other stuff. Anywhoo~

At DeviantArt ( I'm getting quite a few commisons, and I'm really happy! The only problem is that I'm getting kind of behind with it. For those who don't know, a commision is basically a "paid mission." So an art commision would be someone paying somebody else to draw them something. Apparently you can do this on Kijiji... Idk. It'd be pretty cool if you could. If you know, please comment below!

I know this is wayyyy off topic, but I don't get it. I told my friends that I was a Mormon (a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, commonly called Mormons for short) and they took a flip. They were all like "omigosh, you're a mormon?! They're evil and they brainwash you and and and..." You know what? I honestly don't care. What I think is funny is how Muslims (I think..? Can't remember the name) are able to not eat the meat of any hooved animal and nobody complains. Muslims are Muslims, that's what they beleive in and there is no question about it. But Mormons can't have caffeine or any other addictive substances and some (but not everybody) people freak out. Here's an amazing quote from a Mormon (Foxycheese202) on DeviantArt:

"What does a Christian belief in general do for a person? Hmm. No sex before mairrage. (No chance of AIDS.) No drinking (You don't do stupid crap.) No smoking (stay healthy.)... Don't show too much skin (people look down on you... People shouldn't, but they do.)"

Yeah, so these are some of the foundations on which an "evil cult" is built. I hate it when people call my religion evil! You can have your religion, I can have mine, but don't call my beleifs and lifestyle evil. You know? In fact, to support my point, the Church has created 13 Articles of Faith, which is basically just an outline of what we beleive in. The one that supports my argument is the eleventh one:

"We claim the privelege of worshipping the Almighty God according to the own dictates of our consience, and allow all men the same privelege, let them worhip how, where or what they
may." (,4945,106-1-2-1,FF.html)

That basically means that we claim the right to worhip our God if we see fit, and let everybody else beleive whatever they want where ever they want as well. Caspice?

And, I know that this is turning into an endless rant on a touchy subject, but I really have to get this out of my system.

I'm also really put off by how people think that Joseph Smith lied. If Joseph lied, he would not have willing put up with all of that pressure just for a lie. He was tortured, tarred, feathered, shot and imprisoned for his beleifs, so I'm pretty sure that it wasn't a lie. If you were a liar who just wanted attention, you sure as heck wouldn't put up with all of that! And it's not just Joseph who went through extreme persecutement for his beleifs: it was many other pioneers who had their families killed, tortured and shunned. While Mormons today don't go through the same kind of persecutement, we are still... Uhm... Bullied. (Sorry, can't find the right word X)

All righty, then! I think I'm done ranting. Hope I didn't bore you too much with my religion talk! I also apologize that it's not overly reverent, I'm definitely not the best example of a 'good Mormon,' but I do try very hard to keep my standards high.
-Breenie :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! And I completly respect your religion, and agree about the whole fornication, drug thingy! It's so...meh! Like, seriously! Those people must be really rude to tell you that about your religion :o

    About the commission on's true. I can give you the link to the other girl's ad if you no believe me... >.> :P :P :P
