Friday, 10 February 2012

Hey there :D

Sabrina here~! Today I've chosen a topic, and plan to stick with it and not wander off into the depths of Sabrina Nonsense. My topic today is trains. Yeah, pretty lame topic, but I happen to be on one right now, so it's not terribly random.

Trains. Whenever I used to hear it, I would imagine Harry Potter with his little friends on their way to Hogwarts :) So it makes sense that that's what I expected when I went on my very first train ride. I expected individual cubbies (or whatever they're called), a grandma-like lady pushing a trolley full of candy, and scenic rides through the countryside.


For those who have ever been on an airplane before, Via Rail trains are more like airplanes than Harry Potter trains. There are plastic compartments above your head, the seats are organized into rows with an aisle down the middle (kiss your privacy goodbye), and the grandma-lady with the candy DOES NOT EXIST.

They do serve snacks, but it's usually a forty year-old man pushing a metal cart full of overpriced snacks (two bucks for a small container of orange juice :/). The snacks are delicious, I'm not going to lie, but they're just. SO. Expensive. Oh, and there is a menu in the magazine in front of your seat, somewhere in the back of it.

And just a tip for anyone who plans to buy a train ticket anytime in the future: always, always, ALWAYS get a window seat. The aisle seats SUCK! If you sit in the aisle seat, you have to get up every time the person beside you wants to get up, you have to ask to plug in your flipping cord, and you might get whacked by some clueless passenger's bag. Window seats are just better.

Also, this took me a couple tries to figure out, but when you want to connect to the internet, you must:
-connect to the Wi-Fi as you normally would
-open up a browser. Even if you're only using Skype, or the iTunes store, you need to open up your browser.
-if you aren't directed to the Via Rail website immediately, you need to try a website (example: try to open FaceBook or YouTube)
-if you get a pop-up asking whether or not you'd like to connect to the website (even if it suggests it has questionable security), click agree. It's asking because the Wi-Fi only works if you accept the User Agreement, which the webpage is trying to direct you to.
-Click on English, then Accept

This took me so many tries to get right... BE THANKFUL somebody told you!

Also, it's a great idea to slide your bag under the seat. There is nothing more annoying than tripping over your bags as you try to get out of your seat. Another thing to remember is that you have a little table in your armrest. Pull up the leather part, and underneath are two panels. The panel closest to you folds out into a little table :) Cute, right?

One more thing: the electrical outputs will either be by the window, or between and underneath both of the seats.

Hope you learned a lot about trains, hahaa ;P This LEGIT took me forever to figure out... -.- I wish somebody had told me these things... I looked like a total and utter idiot for the first couple times I took the train XP

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